
Let it be known this day that I hated this place. The air. The scenery. Everything. And it's because of you and how you make me feel–disgusted. When I tried to warm up to you, you pushed me away with your nastiness. The taste of bitter sorrow lingers in my throat. It hurts. To see you go back to who you used to be. It hurts me to watch you move about the house in bitter silence and hypocrisy. I had thought you changed. I was mistaken; this is you—the leopard can't change its spots.

I'm going far away from here. We don't belong together; to each other. I need peace and I'm all out to find it. I'll go very far away from you and destroy all the memories —both the good ones. I'll destroy them because it doesn't make sense to keep them. How can one be so unfair to someone trying to love you —work on yourself! 

How did we get here? Every time I try to build, you scatter into a thousand pieces with an issue the size of a grain of sand—why? How do you cope with rubbing off your egoistic nature on someone who is trying to cope with you and tolerate you? You get worked up over unnecessary things and I try to calm you down. You overthink and I try to get it out of your head. For goodness sake, what is even wrong with you? Why do you have to be this stubborn? I'm so disappointed in you and in myself for trying in the first place. 

This will be the last. I won't tolerate it from you anymore. If we must come together to live under the same roof, then you'll have to fix yourself. You'll have to grow into someone mature. Someone who shows respect for other people's feelings; who's not selfish. You're selfish. No, not that you can't give or show concern but you do it when it's all rosy; when the other person is nice to you and you just reciprocate. You're malicious. You claim you don't hold grudges but you do and you won't open up until the other person asks you what the problem is. You are the problem! Do you understand? You are your problem so fix yourself! No one can live with you with this attitude of yours; I've tried and it's not working. I give up.

Let it be known this day that I gave up on loving you, on trying to draw closer to you, on seeing you as a beloved. We might have a thing for each other—which I don't even see anymore—but we're opposite in character. I'm not exonerating myself; I'm being as sincere as I can be. I always try to fix things but you can breathe even when the air is toxic. I try to calmly iron things out with you and somehow, you found a way to blame it on me. Even at that, I still take the blame and apologise for peace to reign. This cycle is expected after a while of bliss—what a nonsense life of intermittent pain and emotional torture. 

This is me saying goodbye to a place where I don't belong —a world where you exist. I'll be happy staying away from you and I can't wait to embrace this happiness. Goodbye forever to you. May we never meet again. 


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