8 am, in Zertox Building Complex, First floor. The hall was filled with young people who desperately needed to get on the right path to success.

Coach Zika's voice echoed audibly, sending forth soul-lifting messages to the hearts of the people. 

"You're just a coward!" She bellowed.

Her voice seemed to grow deeper as she spoke. "You know you have so much buried in you, but you've refused to dig. You want to take over the world so badly. You want everyone to see how important you are, how creative you can be, how you can take charge of your environment, and create realities that have never been seen. You've been hiding in the background for so long. Never have you taken a step, even just a baby step to achieve those mind-blowing feats you've always imagined. See, the world is filled with people of a different calibre. Everyone has a unique way of making this world blossom, and you are one of those people whom the world awaits! You cannot just sit there, and while away your time doing nothing! Find yourself! Give the gift you have to the world! Let your light illuminate your world, it has been so dark and gloomy for a long. It's time to unveil YOU to the world! Let the world encounter the I Amness in you, Come forth, young people! Show us what lies in you..."

She exhaled, after expending so much energy trying to motivate everyone. Her words created some sort of charged atmosphere. Heads nodding, mouths agape, everyone was giddy. This convention was worth my time.

"Now," she continued, after a long pause, "Who's ready to quit being a coward?"

Without thinking twice, I sprang to my feet. All eyes turned towards my direction as I gallantly walked to the podium. 

If there was anyone who would want to quit cowardice, it was me.

"It's about time," I whispered to myself, as I hastened my step to the stage like a Lion ready to attack.

This is reality dawning on me as I take over fiercely, I leave behind my fears, I embrace my true self, and behold the new me.


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