Lex AI was asked in a chat, "what skills do humans have that Artificial Intelligence does not have?" The answer was, "Humans have many skills that Artificial Intelligence does not have, such as creativity, intuition, empathy, problem-solving ability, and abstract thinking. Humans also have the ability to learn from experience while AI may require additional programming to do so." This answer is a shred of undeniable evidence of the fallibility that one day, writers would lose their jobs to AI.

One would think that the invention and growth of AI in the 21st century is more of a curse than a blessing. The precision with which it produces results has thrown many writers off balance and when you think about it, human writers may not be relevant anymore. But, nothing beats human creativity. Humans are designed to think creatively; weave words in their most original form and create a spark in the hearts of their readers. Human Intuition is the knowledge gotten through deep insight and this only applies to humans endowed with creative ingenuity by One who is not constrained by time and space including technology.

Writers require experience to write. The likes of Literary Icons; Chinua Achebe, Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie, and Wole Soyinka wrote from a deep-rooted experience in the African Cultural sensibilities and encapsulated these experiences in their literary works. Such cannot be found in the write-up of AI since the content will only be based on information garnered from different sources. Such works will lack originality and the true essence of the writing culture will be lost. No one appreciates bland writing; no colour, no emotions, just words stringed together with grammatical accuracy and precision.

The process of Abstractionism is one only the human mind can grasp. For any writer to be able to think outside the already-established principles of the physical world, he must first have a mind, and the mind being the seat of consciousness can only be found in humans. So, whatsoever is obtainable in abstract thoughts is traced to a mind superior to AI. In the same vein, The written works of an abstract thinker are nothing compared to what AI can produce because the process again is all about originality.

Irrespective of the jaw-dropping creations and contents of AI in the field of writing, it was still designed by humans and will continually remain under the superiority of its creators–humans. There is no limit to what writers can do when it comes to writing. Creativity, intuition, experience and abstract way of thinking will remain valuable tools with which they use to retain their place and remain as relevant as the oxygen we breathe.


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