BREATHE Tyson woke up that morning feeling nervous. George was in danger. The whole scene of George's death kept flashing through his mind the whole day which made him feel uncomfortable. He sat with his chin cupped in the hollow of his palm, as he pondered on what he could do to save George's life. His phone beeped. It was a text message from George and it read, "I need to see you, Tyson". Tyson's heart skipped a beat. This had happened in his dream. The horrifying scene flashed through his mind. What was he to do? Only George and Tyson's parents knew George had a special gift of discerning future danger. At age 10, he discovered that whatsoever posed danger to someone's life and eventually killed the person was shown to him in his dream. When his grandfather died, he had seen it even before the old man became sick. Two nights ago, he had seen George in his dream drowning in a pool of turbulent water. He tried to save him but a force was pulling George ...